
What is it?

The engineering club gives students the opportunity to build, service and learn about the working features of a Go Kart.  The team then take part in the International Kit Car qualifying race at Rockingham Racecourse competing against schools from across the United Kingdom.

Our objective is to give students real life experiences that link to career opportunities in engineering.  Building resilience, responsibility and resourcefulness, students learn to work as a team, problem solve and motivate each other during the competition event.

Who’s invited? 

Students from years 9 and 10 will be invited by specialist teachers to take part in an 8 week programme preparing them to participate in the regional and national kit car races.


CG22 for maintenance and Herewoode Cycle Track opportunity for all participants to operate the Go-Kart.


Tuesdays, 3:15 – 4:15


For more information contact Mrs D Bryce