Students will follow the OCR syllabus for Art, Craft and Design as an endorsement of Art & Design.
You will follow a lively structured GCSE course that involves a range of 2D and 3D work. This will enable you to produce a portfolio of personal and creative responses to set themes. It will build on the skills developed in Year 9 and earlier years. In Year 10 you will undertake a media and technique-based project to allow you to work more independently and gain confidence ready for the main coursework projects.
Our projects are broad and designed to be tackled individually. Over the two years, you will be given help and advice, but you must be prepared to take ownership and responsibility for your work. Personal research is an important part of Art and you will be encouraged to put your own ideas and interests into your project. We have two very experienced Art teachers at NCL with a strong track record of achieving good results.
You will complete an Art portfolio of evidence which will focus on specific project briefs. This work will include exploration, research, development of techniques, skills and outcomes. The portfolio must contain:
The coursework project will form 60% of the overall marks for GCSE.
An externally set exam project will form 40% of the overall marks for GCSE.
The coursework and exam project are marked internally, and a selection moderated by the examination board.
Both projects use the same 4 assessment objectives which are all equally weighted (25%), these are:
An A2 portfolio/folder is needed and a basic art starter set including a range of different types of pencils, a ruler, a pencil sharpener, eraser and crayons.
Career Opportunities
Advertising, Architecture, Animation, Fashion Design, Desktop Publishing, Ceramics, Graphic Design, Theatre/Performing Arts, Illustration, Film Video Broadcasting, Web Design, Media, Special Effects, Marketing, Video Game Design, Teaching, Museum and Galleries, Photography
Post-16 opportunities
GCSE Art & Design will help you to develop your creative, technical, communication, analytical and problem-solving skills, skills that are essential in these and a wide range of other career opportunities. You can progress on to other Art based courses including AS/A2 Art and Design or BTEC Nationals in Art and Design.