Computer Science and the computing skills within it is of enormous importance to the economy and is the ‘underpinning’ subject across Science and Engineering. Within this exciting GCSE subject, you will lean the inner working of a computer and networking. You will learn to understand how computers have impacted on the society and explore the development of programs that run on them. In today’s fluid technology driven economy a qualification in Computer Science or a Computer related subject is an absolute necessity in addition to a technical or business associated qualification.
Through studying Computer Science, you will:
The course assessment consists of two papers, one focusing on computer systems and one with a focus on programming, computational thinking and algorithms. Both are worth 50% of the whole mark of the GCSE.
This course requires a good level of mathematical understanding. It also requires a logical mind that is willing to problem-solve and work hard.
Career Opportunities
Computer science is now one of the most sought-after qualifications within industry. All aspects of engineering demand a good grounding in computer science. Other careers can range from traditional application development, web technology development, hardware/software engineering, database administration in addition to computer games and mobile application development. Additionally, there is now a high demand for computer science in the design and business sector due to the now total reliance on computer aided design.
Post-16 opportunities
This course can lead on to a Post 16 course in Computer Science, apprenticeships and other industrial experiences as well as act as a foundation to further study in higher education.