Design and Technology

Design and Technology leads to careers in Architecture, furniture making, product design or carpentry, among other design based jobs. The emphasis of this GCSE Design and Technology course is on developing your own ideas through investigative research as well as designing and making. You should expect to spend at least 60% of your lesson time involved in practical  activities. A portfolio of product development is maintained by you, to demonstrate your design work for the real world, analytical skills, evaluations and processes.  You will also gain a broad knowledge of theory which includes new and emerging technology, material and there properties and the impact of design on the environment.

Practical sessions will include:

Gained skills:


50% portfolio work and 50% written exam.


You will be expected the purchase a Designers essentials kit provided by the school.

Where can it lead?

Career opportunities

It can be a basis for building skill related courses, construction, product design and engineering.

Post-16 opportunities

Product Design can lead to a course in product design or engineering at Post-16 at a higher level.