Hospitality and Catering

This course is designed to develop your practical cooking skills, as well as to give you an understanding of how the Hospitality and Catering industry works.

You will learn about a range of hospitality and catering providers; how they work and how they can be successful. You will also learn about issues related to health and safety, food safety, laws and legislations and how they affect successful hospitality and catering provisions. You will also have the opportunity to develop your food preparation and cooking skills, as well as transferable skills such as problem solving, organisation, time management, planning and communication.

As well as learning how the industry works, food standards and ratings, environmental issues, you will also look at nutrition and health, how to have a balanced diet, special diets, allergies and intolerances.

Practical lessons will involve the following:

Gained skills:


The course is divided into 2 units:


You will be expected to provide your own ingredients for practical lessons and dishes for the practicals.

Where can it lead?

The hospitality and catering industry in one of the largest employers in the UK. Job can be more than just chefs or waiting staff; for example: