Year 10 and 11 Learning

The curriculum provision at GCSE is three 100-minute lessons every two weeks. Students follow a lively structured GCSE course that involves a range of 2D and 3D work. This will enable them to produce a portfolio of personal and creative responses to set themes. It will build on the skills developed in earlier years. In Year 10 you will undertake a media and technique-based project to allow you to work more independently and gain confidence ready for the main coursework projects.

Our projects are broad and designed to be tackled individually. Over the two years, students will be given help and advice, but they must be prepared to take ownership and responsibility for their own work. Personal research is an important part of Art and our students will be required to develop their own ideas and interests into the project. At The Herewoode Academy we have a strong track record of achieving good results in Art and Design.

Students will follow the OCR syllabus for Art, Craft and Design as an endorsement of Art & Design.

What the course involves

You will complete an Art portfolio of evidence which will focus on specific project briefs. This work will include exploration, research, development of techniques, skills and outcomes. The portfolio must contain:

  • Evidence of work that charts the progress of a theme from the initial idea to its conclusion
  • Links with the work of other artists showing that their work has inspired/influenced the project’s development
  • Increasing practical skills and confidence in the use of a wide range of materials and styles
  • Experimentation with materials to expand knowledge, understanding and skill
  • Self-evaluation to focus aims and objectives
  • A practical exam under controlled conditions in Year 11

Art, Craft and Design: Combined Titles is defined as a broad-based course promoting learning through various processes, tools, techniques, materials and resources to generate different kinds of evidence of working and artefact(s) product(s)/personal outcome(s).

Learners must explore, acquire and develop skills, knowledge and understanding through the application of traditional and or digital techniques and processes specific to two or more chosen specification titles.

The emphasis is on an increased breadth of approach commensurate in demand with the other titles.

Learners must explore practical and relevant critical and contextual sources such as the work of historical and contemporary practitioners and the different purposes, intentions and functions of art, craft and design as appropriate to their own work.

Learners must demonstrate the knowledge, skills and understanding through area(s) of study relevant to two or more chosen specification titles.

Learners are required to work in two or more specification titles from those listed below:

  • Fine Art
  • Graphic Communication
  • Photography
  • Textile Design
  • Three-Dimensional Design
  • Critical and Contextual Studies

Learners may choose one area of study and produce work appropriate to two or more specification titles such as Still Life in Fine Art and Photography.

Alternatively, learners may choose different area(s) of study such as Typography or Product Design from two or more specialisms and combine them in a complementary way.

Learners undertaking the Art, Craft and Design specification title should explore techniques relevant to the chosen area(s) of study as outlined for each chosen specification title.

Learners will be expected to demonstrate skills, as defined in the Art and Design Core Content section of this specification, in the context of their chosen areas of art, craft and design.
In addition, learners will be required to demonstrate skills relevant to two or more of their chosen specification titles in the following:

  • develop their ideas through investigations informed by selecting and critically analysing sources
  • apply an understanding of relevant art, craft and design practices in the creative and cultural industries to their work
  • refine their art, craft and design ideas as work progresses through recording, researching, selecting, editing and presenting artefact(s)/product(s)/personal outcome(s)
  • record their ideas, observations, insights and independent judgements, in ways that are appropriate to the Art, Craft and Design title, such as recording through drawing and creating images with mixed media
  • use appropriate specialist vocabulary through either visual communication or written annotation, or both, appropriate to art, craft and design
  • use visual language critically as appropriate to their own creative intentions and chosen titles and area(s) of study through effective and safe use of:
    • Media
    • Materials
    • Techniques
    • Processes
    • Technologies
  • use drawing skills for different needs and purposes, appropriate to the titles and area(s) of study used
  • realise personal intentions in Art, Craft and Design, through the sustained application of art, craft and design processes.

Learners are required to demonstrate the knowledge and understanding listed below through practical application of skills to realise personal intentions relevant to their chosen titles and area(s) of Art, Craft and Design.

Learners are required to know and understand how sources inspire the development of their ideas.

Reference should be made to the following:

  • the work and approaches of artists, craftspeople or designers from contemporary and/or historical contexts, periods, societies and cultures
  • contemporary and/or historical environments, situations or issues
  • other relevant sources researched by the learner in the chosen specification title and area(s) of study from art, craft and design
  • the ways in which meanings, ideas and intentions can be communicated through visual, sensory and tactile language, using formal elements, including:
    • Colour
    • Line
    • Form
    • Tone
    • Texture
  • the characteristics, properties and effects of using different media, materials, techniques and processes, and the ways in which they can be used in relation to learners’ own creative intentions and chosen area(s) of study in art, craft and design
  • the different purposes, intentions and functions of art, craft and design in a variety of contexts and as appropriate to learner’s work.

Term Topic Key Content What you will know at the end of this term
Y10 Autumn Introduction to GCSE
Structure and expectations
Coursework introduction
(Component 01)
Begin initial investigations based on a given theme.
Key areas of developing a project-
AO1 - Develop ideas through investigations, showing critical understanding of selected sources.
AO2 - Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.
AO3 - Record ideas, observations relevant to intentions as work progresses.
AO4 - Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.
To understand the process of developing a project
Use various drawing and designing techniques to
record observations in sketchbooks and other media
as they develop their designs towards an outcome
Y10 Spring Continue Coursework (component 01) looking at a range of appropriate Artists that can inform the independent work As above How to explore the techniques used by major contemporary
or historic artists, craftspeople and designers, as well as
other cultures, so as to inform their creative interpretations
Y10 Summer Completion of coursework project personally informed ideas As above How to develop and refine ideas through meaningful and purposeful investigations using a range of appropriate media
Y11 Autumn Introduction to the Externally set task
(Component 02)
To complete a project following the same assessment criteria as component 01 under time limited constrictions. To understand the process of developing a project from being given a set starting point, through initial investigations, to creating a personal and meaningful response
Y11 Spring Conclude Externally Set task As above
Present work in preparation for moderation
As above

March 2025


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