Welcome to History
“Where students develop an understanding that the world we live in has been shaped by the events of the past.”
History at The Herewoode Academy focuses on creating students who are responsible learners and critical thinkers. We aim to challenge each student through an academically rigorous curriculum which inspires a love of learning. History is an incredibly important subject which can be beneficial to all students regardless of their future career goals, and we reflect this belief within our curriculum which empowers students with the skills to nurture the inquisitive historians within us all. We encourage students to reflect on their place in the world and become empathetic citizen historians, and we have developed a curriculum that is inclusive and diverse.
Students will study key themes of history such as religion and democracy, and how these ideas have been challenged and adapted over time. We focus on international history, but also link back, where possible, to local history – Leicester is a city full of History, and we want all students to realise that History doesn’t always refer to cities or countries 1000s of miles away – History happened here!
Historical skills are transferable to many different subjects and careers. We aim for all our students to be able to put across their opinion in a fair and respectable manner, whilst being supported by evidence. They will be able to analyse information to assess its accuracy and reliability, and why certain interpretations have been formed about certain events.
For further information please contact Mr H Mansoor at hmansoor@newcollege.leicester.sch.uk