Health and Wellbeing
Our Health and Wellbeing strategy exemplifies our commitment to ensuring a rich, supportive school culture which allows all members of our learning community to flourish. It is based on three priorities. These being:
- Improving Physical Well being through the promotion of healthy choices
- Promoting Positive Mental Health
- Understanding and developing healthy relationships.
Through our ethos and values, the curriculum, extra-curricular activities and workshops we instil resilience, in order for all members of our school community to be mentally healthy.
Leicester City Council Public Health Services
Health for Kids
Primary aged children can learn about different aspects of their physical and emotional health in a fun and interactive way.
Health for Teens
Secondary aged children can access advice and support in relation to physical health and emotional wellbeing. Content covers issues such as drugs, eating disorders, anxiety, self-harm, sexual identitiy, child sexual exploitation (CSE) and female genital mutiliation (FGM).
The Daily Mile
Can improve children's fitness, concentration levels and general wellbeing. It is a national initiative aimed to combat sedentary behaviour.
Healthy Teeth, Happy Smiles
An oral health promotion programme that includes free supervised toothbrushing resources for foundation age children as well as lesson packs, resources and training on oral health.
Leicester Sexual Health
Commissioned to provide coordination of a core offer of relationships and sex education to all schools in Leicester.
Inspire Together
Provide health, wellbeing and physical activity opportuniites to inspire the young people of Leicester and give them the knowledge they need to lead a healthier, happier future.
Resilience Toolkit
As we have mentioned our mission is to provide a rounded and inspirational education for all our young people. One of the 4 Rs is Resilience. Through developing resilience our students develop the confidence to embrace the responsibilities that life has to offer and allows them to become valued members of the local community and beyond, both now and in the future.
Download our Resilience Toolkit