Homework develops positive study habits and independent learning. Research shows that homework has a positive impact on progress. Homework has an impact by enabling pupils to undertake independent learning to practice and consolidate skills, conduct in depth inquiry, prepare for lessons or revise for exams. In addition, homework gives your parents a chance to see what is being studied in school and teaches you how to take responsibility for your part in the educational process.
Year 7 and 8
- Students should expect to receive homework weekly for Maths, English and Science
- Students should expect to receive homework fortnightly for Computer Science, History, Geography, French and DT.
- Other subjects may set homework as appropriate
- Students are also expected to read for 20 minutes each day
- Students would usually be given a full week to complete their homework.
- Each homework should take between 30 minutes and 45 minutes
Year 9
- Students should expect to receive homework weekly for Maths, English and Science
- Students should expect to receive homework fortnightly for Computer Science, History, Geography, French, DT, Expressive Arts Option Subjects
- Students are also expected to read for 20 minutes each day
- Students would usually be given a full week to complete their homework.
- Each homework should take between 45 minutes and 1 hour
Year 10 and 11
- Students should expect to receive homework from each subject every week
- Students may need to complete additional work when a coursework deadline is approaching
- When homework is not set, students should review their learning from lessons in preparation for final examination
- Students would usually be given a full week to complete their homework.
- Each homework should take between 1 hour and 1 hour and 30 minutes