Welcome to Health & Social Care

“Compassion, Courage, Communication, Commitment, Competence and Care are the six Cs that drive our Health and Social Care curriculum.”

Health and Social Care is a vital subject in today’s society, with a growing demand for Health and Social Care practitioners not only within the local area but nationally too. At The Herewoode Academy, students will cement both their knowledge and skill-based understanding through a theory and practical based curriculum, preparing students for the transition into a role within Health and Social Care or further study within the field. Health and Social Care is delivered as part of a two-year key stage 4 course following the Pearson BTEC specification. The qualification challenges students to become reflective practitioners following professional codes of conduct, including the values of the six Cs. (Compassion, courage, communication, commitment, competence, and care). This pathway of learning prepares students for progression onto a level 3 qualification in Health and Social Care.

The Health and Social Care curriculum is designed to develop students’ knowledge, skill set and confidence in becoming highly motivated health and social care practitioners. Through practical role play sessions using anatomical models, equipment, and case study learning; delivered alongside a theory- based curriculum, students are encouraged to be critical thinkers and think on their feet reflecting a work-based environment. The curriculum is delivered by expert and passionate staff who have previous experience in the field. Teaching staff within the department deliberately encourage students to become analytical around all aspects of health and wellbeing and the factors that effect this, providing students with the confidence to make their own informed and healthy lifestyle choices. The Health and Social Care department pride themselves in embedding all values of the 6 Cs within their teaching in order to support students in being empathetic and kind young practitioners within the field. The course is designed to build students employability skills within the field and further study including A Levels, BTEC Level 3 equivalents, degrees and apprenticeships.

For further information please contact Miss C Collier – ccollier@newcollege.leicester.sch.uk

March 2025


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