The Herewoode Academy (previously known as New College Leicester) became a Foundation School in June 2010.
The Governance of the school is carried out through a Trust Board and a Governing Body which consists of
- A Trust Board with seven Trustees
- A Governing Body with a Board of Governors elected in accordance with the formal Governance structure
The Trust Board:
- Takes on ownership of the school’s land and assets
- Sets the school’s future direction and maximises external resources
The Governing Body:
- Is responsible for all aspects of the day to day conduct of the school and is a separate entity from the Trust Board.
- Is responsible for employing the school staff; approving the school budget and monitoring performance
The Herewoode Academy remains a local authority maintained school.
Board of Trustees
- Dipak Patell (Chair)
- Tony Ford
- James Aldred
- Councillor Elly Cutkelvin
- Angus Fraser
Board Meeting Dates – 2024/25
- Thursday 5th September 2024
- Thursday 16th January 2025
- Thursday 22nd May 2025
Board Meeting Minutes
Governing Body
I am a local Leicester person, and I have worked in several schools in Leicester. I have been a New College Leicester governor since 2010. My belief is, and has always been, that all young people deserve the best education and chances in life, and that is why I have spent my life working in education. I have particular interests in young people who face difficulties, either learning or emotional or behavioural, and also in teacher development and leadership. I think young people benefit from a rounded education, and although exams are crucially important, so are resourcefulness, resilience, responsibility and respect!
Category of Governor: Foundation |
Date of appointment: 01/09/2018 |
Appointing body: Governors |
Term of Office: 4 years |
Committees served on: Appeals Principals Performance Review Disciplinary Pay |
Responsibility: Vice Chair |
Register of business interest: None |
Register of personal interest: None |
Lead Governor of: Child Protection/Safeguarding SEN Children in public care Home School Agreements Admissions |
I have worked in education for the last 27 years, spanning a range of roles in a range of settings. From August 2024, I hold the privileged position at New College Leicester as Principal. Students are heart and centre of what drives my philosophy and practice. I also believe that as well as ensuring students achieve well, schools are crucial for providing opportunities and experiences for students to enable them to develop and thrive. Outside of work, I play the drums, support Newcastle United and am currently learning how to play the piano. I am also an Ex FA football referee.
Category of Governor: Headteacher |
Date of appointment: 22/08/2024 |
Appointing body: Governors |
Term of Office: N/A |
Committees served on: None |
Responsibility: None |
Register of business interest: New College Leicester Trust |
Register of personal interest: None |
Lead Governor of: None |
Category of Governor: Authority |
Date of appointment: 30/01/2020 |
Appointing body: Governors |
Term of Office: 4 years |
Committees served on: None |
Responsibility: None |
Register of business interest: African Heritage Alliance CIC African Caribbean Centre Development Group CIO Nelson Mandela Community Programme CIC Leicester City Mayor |
Register of personal interest: None |
Lead Governor of: None |
I am a Franchisee with McDonald's and own and operate a number of local restaurants, and I have experience of working for and with global brands for over 25 years. I passionately believe in investing in people and want to give young people the best possible start in life, raising their aspirations and social mobility, to ready them for joining the workforce or indeed further education.
Category of Governor: Foundation |
Date of Appointment: 30/09/2021 |
Appointing body: Governing body |
Term of Office: 4 years |
Committees served on: None |
Responsibility: None |
Register of business interest: Dynamic Restaurants Limited BID Leicester Limited New College Leicester Trust |
Register of personal interest: None |
Lead Governor of: None |
I currently work within the local authority’s children’s homes spread across Leicester which I have been doing for the last 15 years. This is often with children and young people who have had very challenging upbringings and who’s attitude to education can sometimes be challenging. That’s why I take great pleasure in seeing the young people I work with come into school and flourish in the right circumstances and when we all work well together.
Category of Governor: Foundation |
Date of Appointment: 30/09/2021 |
Appointing body: Governing body |
Term of Office: 4 years |
Committees served on: None |
Responsibility: None |
Register of business interest: Leicester City Council |
Register of personal interest: None
Lead Governor of: None
I have been running sport clubs in Leicester since 1970 and currently manage Hinckley Gymnastics Club who hold the operating licence for the club at New College Leicester Gymnastics Centre and Clarendon Park in Hinckley. I am a graduate of Fine Art and Ancient history and was for many years a Residential Care Officer and a Teacher in special education and Assessment Units in Leicester.
Category of Governor: Foundation |
Date of appointment: 16/01/2019 |
Appointing body: Governors |
Term of Office: 4 years |
Committees served on: Hearings |
Responsibility: None |
Register of business interest: Hinckley Gymnastics Club |
Register of personal interest: None |
Lead Governor of: None |
I am the founder and Director of Alchemmy Consulting Limited which is a London based consulting firm providing business transformation and improvement advice and support for global and FTSE100 companies. I have been a Governor at New College Leicester for over 5 years and for the last two years been Chair of the Board of Trustees. I am married with three children aged 21, 19 and 17 and live in Loughborough.
Category of Governor: Foundation |
Date of appointment: 01/09/2018 |
Appointing body: Governors |
Term of Office: 4 years |
Committees served on: None |
Responsibility: None |
Register of business interest: Alchemmy Consulting Limited Sonikk Limited Redimeer Limited Double 6 Limited Dasad Limited New College Leicester Trust |
Register of personal interest: None |
Lead Governor of: Building & Estates (joint) |
I combine my life as a full-time business woman with that of a mother of two teenage sons. In my working life, I have over 25 years’ experience working for local government and private business. I specialise in physical regeneration, helping to improve local neighbourhoods and create strong communities. As a parent of children with dyslexia and dyspraxia I am very familiar with the challenges and frustrations children face, and I am very committed to helping young people overcome their difficulties and achieve their best possible successes.
Category of Governor: Co-opted |
Date of appointment: 14/01/2019 |
Appointing body: Governors |
Term of Office: 4 years |
Committees served on: None |
Responsibility: SEN |
Register of business interest: Consultant for Edwards and Edwards Consultancy Ltd Inherit Skills Ltd |
Register of personal interest: None |
Lead Governor of: None |
I have worked at New College Leicester since 2006. I am an Assistant Principal, in addition to being on the governing body. I am originally from South Yorkshire. but trained and worked in Birmingham before moving to Leicester. I have worked in education, both in formal and informal settings for the last 15 years. My core values are very much centred on social justice. I strongly believe that all young people should be given the best possible chances in life, regardless of their socio-economic background, race, sexuality or gender.
Category of Governor: Staff |
Date of appointment: 01/09/2018 |
Appointing body: Governors |
Term of Office: 4 years |
Committees served on: None |
Responsibility: None |
Register of business interest: None |
Register of personal interest: None |
Lead Governor of: None |
I am Principal of WQE Sixth Form College in Leicester, a role I was appointed to following a merger in 2018 with Regent Sixth Form College, where I had also been Principal since 2008. I have also completed the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) and the LSIS Executive Leadership Development Programme for Principals (ELDP/PQP). In 2019 I completed a Strategic Leadership Programme at Oxford University's Said Business School, supported by the Education Training Foundation. Within the Governing Body I have a lead role for teaching and learning.
Category of Governor: Foundation |
Date of appointment: 01/09/2018 |
Appointing body: Governors |
Term of Office: 4 years |
Committees served on: Teaching & Learning |
Responsibility: None |
Register of business interest: WQE and Regent College Group QED Trustee at Learning Without Limits Academy Trust |
Register of personal interest: None |
Lead Governor of: Teaching & Learning Curriculum |
I work at Nottingham Trent University for the VCSE National Observatory. The National Observatory provides a one-stop source of interactive data intelligence for policymakers, infrastructure and frontline organizations, and researchers in the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector. I hold a PhD in Management from the University of Leicester, an MA in Design & Manufacture from De Montfort University, and a BA (Hons) in Industrial Design from the University of Mar Del Plata, Argentina.
Outside of acaademia, i worked as a Funding Manager for the Peepul Centre in Leicester, one of the UK's larget BAME women-led social enterprises. I successfully managed the grant clain process for funds from Sport England, Arts Council England, the National Lottery and the European Regional Development Fund. As a result, I have a proven record in successful audit trails and have established robust funding systems and procedures. Additionally, I spent 10 years as a youth worker and community activist in Argentina.
I enjoy living in Leicester with my husband and three children, and I am passionate about community development and helping young people succeed in life. I have a keen interest in supporting students with invisible disabilities, such as dyslexia or mental health issues. I am committed to further developing New College Leicester and its vibrant community.
Category of Governor: Associate |
Date of Appointment: 13/06/2024 |
Appointing body: Governing body |
Term of Office: 4 years |
Committees served on: None |
Responsibility: None |
Register of business interest: None |
Register of personal interest: None
Lead Governor of: None |
Category of Governor: Co-opted |
Date of Appointment: 03/10/2024 |
Appointing body: Governing body |
Term of Office: 4 years |
Committees served on: None |
Responsibility: None |
Register of business interest: None |
Register of personal interest: None
Lead Governor of: Careers |
Governing Body Meeting Dates
- Thursday 3rd October 2024
- Thursday 12th December 2024
- Thursday 30th January 2025
- Thursday 13th March 2025
- Thursday 8th May 2025
- Thursday 26th June 2025
Governing Body Meeting Minutes
Governing Body Documents