Transition from primary school

The transition from primary school to secondary school can be an anxious time for both the student and their parents/carers. It is our aim to ensure that this is as positive an experience as possible for all concerned.

During Year 6, the Transition Manager, Mrs Jaye Amani, and our Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), Mrs Karen Simpson, visit our partner primary schools to gather information about students who are transferring to The Herewoode Academy.

If primary teachers, or you as parents/carers, feel that a meeting is needed to ensure a smooth transition to us, then please let your primary school know so that this can be arranged.

We take particular care if a young person is on their primary schools Special Educational Needs (SEN) register. If this is the case, we will place the student on our SEN register at the same level, which will be reviewed just before Christmas in Year 7. Parents/carers will be invited to review progress at this time, and throughout the year you will be kept informed of changes to your child’s SEN needs.

We also welcome parents/carers and Year 6 pupils to a parents’ information evening in the school where you will have an opportunity to meet our team. Additionally, we run an Induction Day in the latter part of the Summer Term when your child will have ‘taster’ sessions from the specialist teachers, prior to starting at the school.

Making the right choice for your child

To help with the crucial decision, of choosing the right school for your child, we try and support parents/carers in the following ways:

  • We visit primary schools to build up links
  • We provide information packs to students, teachers and parents/carers at the primary school
  • We organise an ‘Induction Day’ where your child spends a day at our school to experience being a student here Parents are invited to our Open Evening in September which gives the opportunity for parents/ carers to visit the school and to talk to staff
  • We offer the opportunity for you to visit the school to have a tour

We would be happy to discuss any aspects of the application process with you and hope that the information here will help you in this process.

For any queries or questions on Transition or Admissions, please contact the Head of Year 7 and Transition Manager, Mrs Jaye Amani, on 0116 2318500 or email

Additional transition visits

We have also introduced a more targeted approach for additional transition support for students. This is usually based on information gathered from the primary schools and has the aim of supporting an individual or possibly a small group of students who might find the transition to secondary school particularly challenging.

We welcome any communication during the transition process, and our Transition Manager will try to answer any questions raised by parents/carers and students.

Key dates

Induction Day

Towards the end of the Summer Term a day is set for every secondary school to hold an Intake Day where Year 6 students spend a day at their chosen secondary school. At The Herewoode Academy, we use this time to introduce students to their form tutor and fellow classmates; to spend some time doing some ‘getting to know you activities’; to do some general administration; to familiarise students with the building through a tour; and to allow students to experience sample lessons. At the end of the Intake Day students will have gained an insight into the life of our academy and had many of their questions and concerns answered.

New Intake Meet the Tutors Evening

The same week as the Induction Day we hold an evening for parents to come and meet their child’s new tutor to have the school systems explained and any questions addressed.

Frequently Asked Questions

You need to make your online application by the 31st October prior to entry in the following September. Applications received after this date will be classed as late applications, and you may not get your first preference.

Attend Open Evenings arranged at secondary schools to get a feel for the school and where you will have the opportunity to ask staff any questions. If you are still unsure, arrange an additional visit to the school who will be happy to answer any of your questions.

Induction Day will be confirmed later on in the year.

Your child will need to be at The Herewoode Academy by 8.45 am on Induction Day and will leave at 3.00 pm.
If they have any siblings, friends or relatives at our college that you have given permission for them to escort your child back home, then your child can remain at school until 3.00 pm which is the end of the college day.

Your child will need to attend Induction Day in their Primary School uniform.

If your child receives Free School Meals then lunch will be provided for them at our college.
Otherwise, your child can bring £2.50 and purchase a hot or cold meal from our extensive menu.

You will have the opportunity to meet your child’s tutor, Head of Year 7 and our SENCo during
Meet The Tutors Evening which will be confirmed later on in the year.

School Uniform — please refer to the Uniform and Equipment page which will show you what your child should be wearing at The Herewoode Academy. Your child must adhere to our School Uniform Policy at all times.

School Equipment — Your child must bring the following equipment to school every day:

  • 2 Black pens, 2 Purple pens and 2 Red pens
  • 2 pencils
  • Highlighters
  • Ruler
  • Rubber
  • Scientific calculator
  • Compass
  • Protractor
  • 1 clear pencil case (for use in exams)
  • Small English dictionary (or First Language into English)
  • School Planner which will be issued by the college
  • PE Kit as per their individual school timetable