Year 7 Learning

Performing Arts lessons in Year 7 are divided equally between Dance and Drama. Students have one lesson a fortnight. Students rotate between subjects at three points during the year: (approximately) after the first month of the autumn term, Christmas and Easter.

Topic Key Content
Autumn Term Dance
Graffiti Dance
  • Exploring actions, dynamics and spatial designs
Physical skills
  • Exploring physical skills: facial expressions, body language and gestures
Dance & Drama
Performing Arts Performance Project
  • Being an effective audience member
  • Working as a team
  • Learning and developing content that communicates meaning
Spring/Summer Term Dance
Bollywood Dance
  • Appreciating and exploring hasta mudras
  • Performing and appreciating the Bollywood dance style
  • Exploring simple dance relationships
Silent Movies
  • Exploring audience awareness and stage positioning
  • Performing and appreciating the style of silent movies
  • Developing physical skills to show reactions of a character
Billy Elliot The Musical
  • Learn repertoire based on Billy Elliot The Musical
  • Explore key themes from the musical to create original material
Physical Theatre
  • Explore using body as a prop and movement to create objects
  • Perform and appreciate the style of physical theatre

Autumn Term

What you will be able to do at the end of this term:

  • Work as a team to create and develop material
  • Perform in front of others
  • Show respect during others’ performances
Spring/Summer Term

What you will be able to do at the end of this term:

  • Apply some accuracy, control and energy to a short performance
  • Develop content using simple dance relationships
  • Describe where Bollywood dance is from and detail basic information about the style
  • Show some concentration, staying in role for at least 20 seconds of a performance.
  • Develop 2 physical skills to show the changes in characters emotions.
  • Try out multiple ideas for performance, adding some developments.
  • Apply accuracy, control and energy to a performance
  • Create and develop movements in response to a stimulus
  • Apply expression through physical skills to a performance.
  • Create and develop movement in performance to show a storyline
  • Reliably contribute ideas to the group when sharing ideas for performance
  • Show some concentration, staying in role for at least 30 seconds of a performance.
  • Describe what physical theatre is, giving examples of objects to create.

March 2025


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