Year 9 Learning

Students can select to study Drama or Dance in their Expressive Art options in Year 9. This enables greater exploration dance and drama.


Students who choose to studying dance in year 9 explore a range of dance styles and professional dance works. Students develop their skills as a performer and choreographer and learn how to analyse and appreciate dance. Students also have the opportunity to attend theatre visits and perform in productions.

Students have 2 lessons a fortnight.

Topic Key Content
Autumn Term 1 An introduction to learning dance
  • Appropriate dancewear for safe working practices
  • How to look after a dancer
  • Develop skills in contemporary dance introduction of choreographer James Wilton
  • Introduction to the 10 physical skills (comp 1 and 2)
  • Introduction to choreographic devices (comp 3)
  • Introduction to dance analysis (comp1 and 3
Autumn Term 2 Street dance
  • Develop skills in the Hip Hop dance style. Introduction of choreographer Katie Prince, Boy Blue and Ashley Wallen
  • Development of physical skills (comp1 and 2)
  • Development of dance analysis (comp 1)
  • Rehearsal skills (Comp 2)
Spring Term 1 Becoming a dance company
  • Performing a piece of Musical Theatre repertoire with accuracy (everybody’s talking about Jamie) (comp 2)
  • Developing knowledge of a dance company and roles and responsibilities (Comp 1 and 2)
Spring Term 2 Dance style workshops
  • Workshop in Ballet dance style
  • Workshop in Tap dance style
  • Develop skills in the Contemporary dance style
  • Refine key physical skills
  • Create movement content in response to a stimulus
  • Self-evaluation
Summer Term Choreography
  • Responding to a creative brief (Comp 3)
  • Developing ideas and content from a stimulus (Comp 3)
  • Create movement motifs (comp 3)
  • Working as a team
  • Dance structures (comp 1 and 3)
  • Dance roles and responsibilities in a company (Comp1)
  • Evaluate the create process and final outcome (Comp 3)


What you will be able to do at the end of this term 

What will you know at the end of this term 

Autumn Term 1

An introduction to learning dance 

  • Apply basic physical and technical skills to a Hip-Hop style dance 
  • Demonstrate some basic choreographic skills 
  • The definition of actions, dynamics, spatial design and dance relationships 
  • Describe the role of a dancer 
Autumn Term 2

Jazz dance (Musical Theatre) 

  • Execute a Musical Theatre dance with some application of physical skills 
  • Perform repertoire with some accuracy in the actions, dynamics and spatial content 
  • To engage in rehearsals with commitment and concentration 
  • The acronym FAST BEC. 
  • The definition of key physical skills (flexibility, accuracy, stamina, timing, balance, energy, control) 
  • Describe the role of a choreographer 
Spring Term 1

Dance Style Workshops 

  • Apply physical and technical skills to material learnt in each style 
  • Apply appropriate stylistic qualities for a range of dance styles 
  • Analyse and describe similarities and differences between a range of dance styles 
  • Describe key features of at least one dance style 
  • Define key interpretative skills: musicality, projection and focus 
Spring Term 2

Contemporary Dance 

  • Execute a Contemporary dance with application of physical skills 
  • Perform repertoire with accuracy in the actions, dynamics and spatial content 
  • Engage in rehearsals with commitment and concentration 
  • Identify and describe actions, dynamics, spatial designs and relationship content in a professional work 
  • Identify strengths, weaknesses and targets in your own and others’ performances 
  • The definition of repertoire, stimulus and motif
Summer Term


  • Choreograph a group dance from a brief 
  • Evaluate the create process and final outcome
  • Define the following dance relationships (unison, canon, accumulation, mirroring, question & answer) 
  • Define the dance structures binary, ternary and episodic



Students can select to study Drama in year 9. This enables greater exploration of styles of drama. Throughout the year, students will develop their knowledge of different styles through applying stylistic qualities, fundamental skills and techniques into a performance. Students have opportunities to further develop their skills through being actively involved in extra-curricular group performances throughout the year.

Students have 2 lessons a fortnight.

Topic Key Content
Autumn Term Scripted performances; focussing on physical and vocal skills.
  • Learn key physical and vocal skills
  • To develop leadership skills by being a team player
  • To develop characterisation in scripted extracts
  • Be an effective audience member
  • To develop an awareness of purpose’ of a script
  • How to approach a scripted extract through rehearsal techniques such as blocking.
Spring Term Theatre styles and practitioners
  • To develop movement sequences such as stylised movement to tell a story.
  • Explore ensemble movement to tell a story
  • To develop knowledge of different theatre practitioners and their process’ used
  • To understand different styles of theatre such as physical theatre and Brecht.
  • Perform and appreciate different styles of theatre
Summer Term Responding to a brief
  • Learn the starting points when creating a performance from a stimuli
  • Learn the different techniques and stylistic qualities that can be applied to a performance.
  • Explore how to use improvisation to discover the potential development of ideas.
  • Devise characters that have clear personalities to influence the storyline.
  • Perform devised work ensuring a clear purpose is created.


What you will be able to do at the end of this term 

What will you know at the end of this term 

Autumn Term

Scripted performances; focussing on physical and vocal skills.


  • Devise scripts through improvisation, creating a clear purpose and meaning to a performance 
  • - Be able to perform scripted extracts, staying in role for at least 1 minute. 
  • - Select and apply at least 3 physical and vocal skills to help develop characterisation throughout a performance 
  • - Contribute to a performance by using at least 1 interpretive skill. 
  • Understand how characterisation and personality can be shown through physical skills such as body language 
  • How to identify key themes and issues within a script 
  • Understand and identify the different purpose’ of scripts. 
  • To discuss strengths and weakness of a performance giving specific examples. 
Spring Term

Theatre styles and practitioners 

  • Perform a sequence of movements and techniques to create a story. 
  • Apply scripted extracts with movement to tell a story. 
  • Apply at least 1 stylistic quality to a performance. 
  • Devise performances in different styles using at least 2 different techniques. 
  • Understand what a theatre practitioner is 
  • Know how to adapt physical and vocal skills to tell a story in a specific style 
  • Understand the creative process used in different styles, 
  • Be a team player by contributing creative ideas for performances. 
  • Outline two different stylistic qualities used by an actor to perform in a specific style 
Summer Term

Responding to a brief


  • Use a stimulus to create a clear storyline for performance 
  • Apply at least 2 rehearsal techniques to develop performance material 
  • Develop a clear purpose to show the final idea 
  • Apply physical and vocal skills in order to develop characterisation 
  • Describe and explain the different starting points to a devised performance 
  • Know how to contribute and develop ideas effectively 
  • Know how to devise characters using physical and vocal skills to create clear personalities. 


Performing Arts Tech

Students can select to study Performing Arts Tech in year 9. This enables greater exploration of the production elements in theatre. Throughout the year, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of a set designer, lighting technician and designer and costumes. Students have opportunities to apply the skills learn through being actively involved in the non-performer roles in performances and concerts.

Students have 2 lessons a fortnight.

Topic Key Content
Autumn Term Set and lighting design
  • Learn key skills and responsibilities of a set and lighting designer
  • Learn and use equipment to create designs
  • Develop lighting and set designs which use a range to tones and materials for effect
  • Explore and create set designs for a brief
Spring Term Designing for concerts
  • Learn how to adapt lighting techniques for a concert performance.
  • Learn how to cue lights to influence atmosphere and mood
  • How to adapt and develop stage plans for concerts from theatres
  • Develop awareness of textures and materials used in dance costumes
  • Analyse and present design ideas through presentations
Summer Term Designing a brief
  • Develop steps to take when devising a performance
  • Specialise in production area to enhance skills and responsibilities
  • Explore a purpose and intention in a design, linking back to a brief
  • Explore how to use improvisation in designs to judge potential
  • Develop designs and create production areas for whole school performances.


What you will be able to do at the end of this term 

What will you know at the end of this term 

Autumn Term

Set and lighting design 


  • Create 2D set designs which reflect cultures and key content of scripts. 
  • Use model making skills to create mini 3d versions of Set designs. 
  • Develop lighting designs for scenes in performances through ‘capture’ 
  • Understand and describe the process used by a set designer. 
  • Describe the key skills and responsibilities of a set designer 
  • Describe the key skills and responsibilities of a lighting designer 
  • Understand how to use technical software and equipment to develop basic designs 
Spring Term

Designing for concerts 


  • Create 2D floor designs for concerts 
  • Create backdrop designs for individual moments of concert 
  • Create lighting designs for concerts 
  • Create costume designs considering texture and movement 
  • Understand the process and elements involved for a floor plan 
  • Understand how chases can be used in lighting to develop an atmosphere 
  • Describe the types of material used in costumes. 
Summer Term

Designing a brief 

  • Create time management plans for each specialism 
  • Develop design ideas and final designs in specific specialist area. 
  • Develop materials in specialised area for performance. 
  • Apply design concepts to live performances 
  • Identify semiotics of colours and symbols 
  • Describe how semiotics influence lighting and set designs. 
  • Describe cultural influences on script and designs in performance 
  • Evaluate design concepts and their relevance to the brief 


March 2025


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