Key Stage 5


We offer Level 2 Technical Certificate in Hairdressing (6002-21) at The Herewoode Academy. This programme will teach the skills and knowledge required to work in a professional setting as a fully qualified hair stylist.

Course content

  • Principles and practices of Hairdressing services (Unit 201)
  • Shampoo, condition and treat the hair and scalp (Unit 202)
  • Cut hair using basic techniques (Unit 203)
  • Style, set and dress the hair (Unit 204)
  • Colour and lighten the hair (Unit 205)

Course assessment

Synoptic assignment; This is externally set, internally marked and externally moderated. The assignment requires candidates to identify and use effectively in an integrated way an appropriate selection of skills, techniques, concepts, theories, and knowledge from across the content area.

Theory exam; The exam is a written exam that is externally set and externally marked. The exam is designed to assess the candidate’s depth and breadth of understanding across content in the qualification at the end of the period of learning, using a range of question types and will be sat under invigilated examination conditions.

Employer involvement; this is a formal component of Key Stage 5 Technical qualifications. It does not contribute to the overall qualification grading, but is a mandatory requirement that all learners must meet. As such it is subject to external quality assurance by City & Guilds.

The Hairdressing team are passionate about their subject and industry. They continually work with local companies to enhance and develop their already broad skills and knowledge, by doing this they are confident that they are sharing current skills and trends with their students. Students have the opportunity to work in a salon setting which provides them with transferable skills such as team work, communication and time management.

To view course material in more detail you can visit

For further information on Hairdressing courses please contact

March 2025


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