Year 10 Learning

At The Herewoode Academy, we offer both French and Spanish at GCSE. Our KS3 curriculum is designed to expose pupils to the key knowledge and skills that are required for studying a language at GCSE. We interleave key grammar points throughout KS3, so pupils begin their GCSE studies with a solid understanding of some core grammar points and vocabulary that we reinforce and expand on throughout their studies.

We follow the Pearson Edexcel specification in which students will study five themes:

  1. Identity and culture
  2. Local area, holiday and travel
  3. School
  4. Future aspirations, study and work
  5. International and global dimension

Each year, we support many pupils through their GCSE in their native language. We are able to offer GCSEs to those students who speak Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Panjabi, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish and Urdu.


In Year 10 students studying French will cover a range of topics that will allow their language skills to develop even further. This year, students will begin to hone their key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and apply them to exam-style situations in preparation for Year 11.

Term Topic Key Content
Autumn GCSE Module 1: Who am I?

GCSE Module 2: Sports and Hobbies
  • Talking about relationships with friends and family, making plans for the future, describing a recent event in the past, talking about what you used to do, role models
  • Sport, the internet and technology, books, music, tv, actors and films
Spring GCSE Module 3: Celebrations and Traditions

GCSE Module 4: Town and Local Area
  • Daily life, food, special occasions, formal and informal language, celebrations, festivals and traditions
  • Your region, dream/nightmare places to live, making plans depending on the weather, community projects
Summer GCSE Module 5: Holidays

Revision of modules 1–5
  • Ideal holidays, booking and reviewing hotels, ordering food and drinks in a restaurant, modes of transport, descriptions of past holidays

Year 10 Knowledge — French


In Year 10 students of Spanish will build upon content covered in Year 9 as they begin to engage with the first four GCSE content modules. Across these modules, students will gain a deeper understanding of key grammatical concepts as well as a further insight into Spanish speaking culture, history and society.

Term Topic Key Content
Autumn GCSE Module 1: Holidays

GCSE Module 2: School
  • Types of holiday and preferences, describing holidays and trips in the past, booking a hotel.
  • Describing your school, school subjects, rules and problems at school, planning a school exchange, extracurricular activities and achievements
Spring GCSE Module 3: Friends and Family

GCSE Module 4: Sports and Leisure Activities
  • Apps, social networks, family members, relationships, making plans, reading.
  • What you usually do, sports, what’s trending, different types of entertainment, role models.
Summer GCSE Module 5: Town and Local Area

Revision of modules 1–5
  • Describing the features of a town or city, describing a trip in the past, going shopping, making plans for tomorrow

Year 10 Knowledge — Spanish

March 2025


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