Year 9 Learning
Students will continue their study of French into Year 9. We firmly believe that teaching mixed ability groups allows all students to thrive in MFL. Over the course of year 9 we aim to have students in as strong a position as possible, should they wish to choose the subject for GCSE. A Year 9 French student at The Herewoode Academy will be able to communicate in at least three different tenses, with some even being able to use four or five.
In the Spring term of Year 8, students will be able to choose a expressive arts pathway which will dictate a small number of optional subjects taken in Year 9. If students elect to follow a pathway containing Spanish they will be given a year-long crash course in the language, the aim of which is to equip them with enough knowledge to continue to succeed at GCSE level in the language.
Term | Topic | Key Content |
Autumn | Holidays |
Spring | Future Plans and Work |
Summer | French Survival Guide |
Key Vocabulary — French (Year 9)
Term | Topic | Key Content |
Autumn | Local Area |
Spring | Media |
Summer | Future Plans and Work |
Key Vocabulary — Spanish (Year 9)