Year 10 Learning

Most students at The Herewoode Academy will study Combined Science. This qualification is equivalent to two GCSE qualifications covering Biology, Chemistry and Physics, which will inspire and challenge students of all abilities and aspirations.

Some students will be offered the opportunity to study Triple Science which is equivalent to three GCSE qualifications.

Combined Science


AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy

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An introduction to the course

Combined Science is a course that will be taught over two years. This qualification is linear and will be the equivalent to two GCSE qualifications covering Biology, Chemistry and Physics, which will inspire and challenge students of all abilities and aspirations.

What the course involves


  • Cell biology
  • Ecology
  • Organisation
  • Bioenergetics
  • Homeostasis and response
  • Infection and response
  • Inheritance, variation and evolution


  • Quantitative chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Chemical changes
  • Chemistry of the atmosphere
  • Energy changes
  • Chemical analysis
  • Using resources
  • The rate and extent of chemical change
  • Atomic structure and the periodic table
  • Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter


  • Forces
  • Energy
  • Waves
  • Electricity
  • Particle model of matter
  • Atomic structure
  • Magnetism and electromagnetism
How the course is assessed

You will sit all your exams at the end of the course. The course covers Biology, Chemistry and Physics in equal measure and all three disciplines will be examined at the end of Year 11 in six, 1 hour and 15 minute exams.

Career Opportunities

There is a vast range of career opportunities from studying Science which can be carried out in a variety of settings: from hospitals and laboratories to factories and crime scenes to beauty salons, plumbing and electrical works.

Post-16 opportunities

If successful in this course students could develop their skills further by studying:

  • BTEC Applied Science Level 3
  • A-Level Science courses in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Applied Sciences.
Required resources/equipment for the course
  • Scientific calculator
  • CGP revision book and workbook (which can be purchased from the school)
For further information contact:

Mrs Bradley (Head of Science) or your science teacher.

Triple Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics)


AQA GCSE Biology

Link to examining body:

Link to specification:

AQA GCSE Chemistry

Link to examining body:

Link to specification:

AQA GCSE Physics

Link to examining body:

Link to specification:

An introduction to the course

Triple Science is a course that will only be taught to those students who have scored the highest grades at the end of Year 9. This qualification is linear and means that you will sit all your exams at the end of the course. You will achieve separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

What the course involves


  • Cell biology
  • Ecology
  •  Infection and response
  • Organisation
  •  Homeostasis and response
  • Bioenergetics
  •  Inheritance, variation and evolution


  • Quantitative chemistry
  • Using resources
  • Chemical changes
  • Chemical analysis
  • Energy changes
  • Organic chemistry
  • The rate and extent of chemical change
  • Chemistry of the atmosphere
  • Atomic structure and the periodic table
  • Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter


  • Waves
  • Magnetism and electromagnetism
  • Particle model of matter
  • Forces
  • Atomic structure
  • Electricity
  • Space physics (physics only)
  • Energy
How the course is assessed

Each subject will be examined at the end of Year 11 in two, 1 hour and 45 minute exams, resulting in a total of 6 exams to achieve 3 GCSEs.

Career Opportunities

This is a course for those who want to follow a career in science or follow a higher education science course. There is a vast range of career opportunities from studying Science which can be carried out in a variety of settings: from hospitals and laboratories to factories and crime scenes to demolition and design of structures.

Post-16 opportunities

Triple Science provides a firm foundation for students to progress to A-Level Science. It also provides progression to other Level 3 qualifications for students wanting to pursue a more vocational route.

Required resources/equipment for the course
  • Scientific calculator
  • CGP revision book and workbook (which can be purchased from ParentPay at a discounted rate when purchased together)
For further information contact:

Mrs Bradley (Head of Science) or your science teacher.

In Year 10, students will build on the knowledge and skills gained at Key Stage 3. Students will study Biology, Chemistry and Physics throughout the year. Biology is the study of life where students will learn how animals and plants co-exist, how the human body functions and responds to disease. Chemistry is the study of the material world, students will learn how scientific methods and theories have developed over time and the power and limitations of Science, considering ethical issues in their learning. Physics promotes the understanding of the rules that apply to how objects interact. It also considers how everyday objects and systems work and interact, developing students’ interest and curiosity about the world we live in.

Term Learning Cycle Key Concepts
Autumn 1 Biology Paper 1 - Plant Biology
Disease and Human Defence Systems
  • Plant transport
  • Photosynthesis
  • Health, lifestyle and types of disease
  • Immune defences and vaccination
  • Development of drugs and uses of antibiotics and painkillers
Autumn 2 Periodic Table
Structure and Bonding
  • Separation techniques
  • Ions, atoms and isotopes
  • Periodic Table and development of the periodic table
  • Ionic, covalent and metallic bonding
  • Structure and properties of: giant ionic structures, simple molecules, giant covalent structures, carbon allotropes and giant metallic structures.
Spring 1 Chemical Changes
Energy Changes
  • Neutralisation and making salts
  • Displacement
  • Electrolysis
  • Exothermic and endothermic reactions
Spring 2 Energy
  • States of matter and density
  • Energy stores, calculating energy and efficiency
  • Energy resources
Summer 1 Electricity
  • Circuits; Charge, current, resistance and potential difference
  • Cables, plugs and mains electricity
  • Nuclear radiation and half-life
Summer 2 Homeostasis and Hormones
  • Homeostasis
  • Hormones and control of; glucose, reproduction and contraception
  • Reproduction, Variation, Inheritance and Genetic Disorders
  • Selective breeding and genetic engineering

March 2025


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