Welcome to Mathematics
“Students are taught to model situations mathematically using a variety of methods and be able to manipulate them successfully in order to lead to a solution.”
Mathematics plays a significant role in the society we live in and is an important tool for addressing many challenges across a variety of careers. The acquisition of basic skills of mathematics is vital for the life opportunities and achievements of our students.
We recognise that being literate and numerate is important for any role in society, and we aim to develop key life skills, encouraging students to be reflective, critical thinkers with an ‘I can’ mentality.
At The Herewoode Academy, students appreciate the importance and significance of mathematics across the curriculum. All teachers recognise that confidence in numeracy and other mathematical skills is a prerequisite to success. The Mathematics Faculty supports the work of colleagues across the college in the teaching of numeracy in their own subjects, knowing that many other careers, such as economics, engineering, computing, accountancy and medicine, all have a strong foundation in mathematics.
The Mathematics Faculty understands that to achieve this, students need to develop mathematical fluency, and to be able to reason and solve problems in many different contexts. Through a well-structured curriculum, students are taught to model situations mathematically using a variety of methods and be able to manipulate them successfully in order to lead to a solution.
We believe that ‘you have to hold maths in your hands before you can hold it in your head’. Our curriculum supports students conceptual understanding by teaching them to model mathematics using concrete materials and relating them to pictorial and abstract representations. Over time, students are able to translate meaning across the different types of representation.
The Mathematics Faculty at The Herewoode Academy is a team of passionate teachers who share a keen interest in their subject. It is our aim to share this with our students and develop talented mathematicians with a lifelong appreciation for the subject.
For further information please contact Mr M Anyon at manyon@newcollege.leicester.sch.uk