Year 11 Learning
At The Herewoode Academy, we offer both French and Spanish at GCSE. Our KS3 curriculum is designed to expose pupils to the key knowledge and skills that are required for studying a language at GCSE. We interleave key grammar points throughout KS3, so pupils begin their GCSE studies with a solid understanding of some core grammar points and vocabulary that we reinforce and expand on throughout their studies.
We follow the Pearson Edexcel specification in which students will study five themes:
- Identity and culture
- Local area, holiday and travel
- School
- Future aspirations, study and work
- International and global dimension
Each year, we support many pupils through their GCSE in their native language. We are able to offer GCSEs to those students who speak Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Panjabi, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish and Urdu.
In Year 11 students of French will cover the final three GCSE content modules in preparation for their final exams. Students will continue to work with a series of complex grammatical concepts and their confidence in the language will be allowed to flourish. We hope to encourage as many students as possible to pursue the study of MFL after GCSE and we are thrilled to hear when students have chosen to do this!
Term | Topic | Key Content |
Autumn | GCSE Module 6: School GCSE module 7: Future plans |
Spring | GCSE Module 8: Global Issues |
Summer | GCSE revision |
Key Vocabulary — French (Year 11)
In Year 11 students of Spanish will finish covering the content from the eight GCSE modules and continue to build their confidence in both the production and understanding of the Spanish language.
Term | Topic | Key Content |
Autumn | GCSE Module 6: ¡fiesta! GCSE Module 7: Future Plans |
Spring | GCSE Module 8: Global Issues |
Summer | GCSE revision |
Key Vocabulary — Spanish (Year 11)