Year 10 Learning

In Year 10 Personal Development is taught during tutor time and as a carousel of one lesson a fortnight.

Students are taught the following:

For further information, please contact Miss Bagley at

Career Planning

Topic Key Content
Exploring the recruitment process
  • Consider what job roles are interesting.
  • Research the labour market and education system.
  • Recognising the main learning pathways and considering which one students want to follow and how they will access and succeed in it.
  • Research the learning and qualification requirements for jobs and careers that they are interested in.
  • Research the range of workplaces and what it is like to work in these work places
  • Research how recruitment and selection processes work and what students need to do to succeed in them.
Managing your own career
  • Recognising the different ways in which people talk about careers and reflecting on its meaning to them.
  • How to build confidence and optimism about their future.
  • Making plans and developing a career pathway for their future.
  • Consider the risks and rewards associated with different pathways and careers.
  • To know how to take steps to achieve GCSEs and make a decision about P16 pathways.
  • Knowing how to deal with and learn from challenges and setbacks.
Creating Opportunities
  • Know how to develop friendships and relationships and reflect on their relationship to a career.
  • To know how to take responsibility for making things happen in their career.
  • To know how to reflect on and change career ideas and the strategies that are needed to achieve them.
  • To know how to speak up for themselves and others.
  • To know what role models are and reflect on what leadership is
  • Entrepreneurialism and self-employment.
Balancing life and work
  • Reflect on the different ways in which people balance their work and life
  • Reflect on their physical and mental wellbeing and consider how they can improve these
  • Recognise the role that money and finances will play, in the decisions that they make and, in their life and career
  • Recognise the role that they play in their family and community and considering how that might shape their career
  • Consider how they want to move through different life stages and manage different life roles
  • Develop knowledge of rights and responsibilities in the workplace and society
  • Identify what they can do, individually and with others, to challenge prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination in learning and workplaces
Seeing the big picture
  • Evaluating different media, information sources and viewpoints.
  • Explore local and national labour market trends.
  • Explore trends in technology and science.
  • Explore the relationship between career and the environment.
  • Explore the relationship between career, community and society.
  • Explore the relationship between career, politics and the economy.

Relationship, Sex, Health Education (RSHE)

Topic Key Content
Positive and negative relationships including the law on consent in all contexts
  • What the positive characteristics in a relationship are
  • The benefits of being in a positive relationship on wellbeing.
  • The impact of a negative relationship on your wellbeing.
  • The different influences that may affect the characteristics in a relationship.
  • What consent means and the importance of consent
  • The law on consent
Being safe in a relationship. (contraception and STIs)
  • What it means to be safe in a relationship
  • Different contraception methods
  • The dangers of unprotected sex and the risks of having unprotected sex
  • The different STIs and their impact on health and key facts about treatment
Personal safety in relationships. (consent, violence and exploitation, hate crime, extremism, stalking and radicalisation)
  • The ways in which people can stay safe in a relationship.
  • What could happen if personal safety is not considered.
  • What sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation, hate crime, extremism, stalking and radicalisation are.
  • How people become involved in sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation, hate crime, extremism, radicalisation, stalking and ways to prevent getting involved
Online safety (including sexting, grooming, sexual harassment, Stalking pornography and expectations in a relationship)
  • Importance of online safety and ways to stay safe online
  • Why pornography can lead to these types of behaviour.
  • Why pornography can alter the expectations of an intimate relationship
The dangers of illegal drugs and alcohol
  • The affects that drugs and alcohol have on our bodies
  • How drugs and alcohol can harm relationships
  • The types of behaviour you may see when under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
  • How drugs and alcohol affect personal safety


Term Key Content
Autumn 1 This is US
  • My areas of strength and development
  • Influences on self-concept and esteem
  • Developing assertiveness and resilience.
  • Characteristics of emotional health and empathy
  • Coping with change
Autumn 2 Relationships, Sex and Health Education
  • Specific STIs, their treatment and how to reduce risk of transmission
  • Overcome barriers (embarrassment, myths, misconceptions) about sexual health and use of health services.
  • Choose and access appropriate contraception (including emergency contraception) and negotiate use with partner
  • The physical and emotional responses to unintended pregnancy; options available whom to talk to
Spring 1 Drugs, alcohol, and associated risks
  • The consequences of substance use and misuse for the mental and physical health of individuals, families and wider consequences in the community
  • Wider risks of illegal substance use for individuals, including for personal safety, career, relationships and future lifestyle
  • Identify risky and emergency situations linked to the use and supply of legal and illegal substances. (crime and gangs)
  • Identify, manage and seek help for unhealthy behaviours, habits and addictions including smoking.
Spring 2 Finance and Management
  • Effectively make financial decisions
  • Recognise and manage the range of influences on their financial decisions
  • How they can challenge or seek support for financial exploitation in different scenarios including online
  • Evaluate financial advantages/disadvantages of employment contracts.
Summer Relationships
  • Recognise when others are using manipulation, persuasion or coercion and how to respond
  • The law about abuse in relationships, including coercive control and online harassment
  • Skills and strategies to respond to exploitation, bullying, harassment and control in a relationship
  • The law relating to ‘honour’ based violence and forced marriage
  • Strategies to challenge all forms of prejudice and discrimination

For further information, please contact Miss Bagley at

March 2025


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