Year 11 Learning

In Year 11 Personal Development is taught during tutor time and as a carousel of one lesson a fortnight.

Students are taught the following:

For further information, please contact Miss Bagley at

Career Planning

Topic Key Content
The role well-being will play in future careers
  • To know about the different ways in which people balance their work and life.
  • Reflecting on their physical and mental wellbeing and considering how they can improve these.
How money and finances affect life stages and life roles
  • Recognise the role that money and finances play, when making a decision about their career
  • Exploring local and national labour market trends.
  • Consider how students want to move through different life stages and manage different life roles.
How roles in the family and community affect life stages and life roles
  • Recognise the role that are in their family and community and consider how these might shape their career.
  • Consider how they want to move through different life stages and manage different life roles.
  • Explore the relationship between career, community and society.
Rights, responsibilities, prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping in the work place
  • Develop knowledge about rights and responsibilities in the workplace and society.
  • Identifying what they can do, individually and with others, to challenge prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination in learning and workplaces.

Relationship, Sex, Health Education (RSHE)

Topic Key Content
Sexuality, gender identity and stereotyping
  • ‘Understanding what LGBTQ stands for
  • The differences between sexuality and gender identify.
  • What stereotyping is and factors that could lead to this
  • Understanding how equality should be improved for the LGBTQ community.

Marriage and its legal rights

  • What marriage is
  • Why people get married
  • Sexuality and marriage
  • Marriage and it’s legal rights

Forced marriage and honour-based violence and its associated risks.

  • What forced marriage is
  • The reasons why people may be forced to get married
  • Risks that are associated with forced marriage
  • What honour based abuse is
  • Why honour based abuse happens
  • Agencies that support victims of forced marriage/honour based abuse

Sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, domestic abuse, FGM)

  • What sexual exploitation means and how sexual exploitation occurs
  • What sexual harassment means
  • What domestic abuse is and the impact this has on a person
  • What FGM is and why it occurs
  • The concept of law with regards to sexual exploitation/sexual harassment/domestic abuse/FGM.


Term Key Content
Autumn 1 This is US
  • My areas of strength and development
  • Influences on self-concept and esteem
  • Understanding negative thinking learned optimism
  • Unhealthy coping strategies
  • Working with difficult emotions
Autumn 2 Relationships, Sex and Health Education
  • Diversity in romantic and sexual attraction and developing sexuality, including sources of support.
  • Fertility can vary in all people, changes over time (including menopause) and can be affected by STI’s and other lifestyle factors.
  • Choices and support available in the event of an unplanned pregnancy, about how to access appropriate help
  • To respond appropriately to indicators of unhealthy relationships, including where to seek help
Spring 1 Drugs, alcohol, and associated risks
  • Evaluate ways in which young adults behaviour may influence their peers, positively and negatively, including online or situation involving weapons or gangs.
  • Recognise situations where they are adversely influenced or at risk, due to being part of particular clubs or gangs.
  • Factors which contribute to young people becoming involved in serious organised crime, including cyber crime
  • Skills to support younger peers when in a position of influence.
Spring 2 Finance and Management
  • Salary, expenditure and wage slips
  • Debit, credit cards, loans and mortgages
  • Running a car
  • Running a household
Summer 1 Relationships
  • Recognise unwanted attention (harassment / stalking and online) and ways to seek help
  • The concept of consent in maturing relationships.
  • The impact of attitudes towards sexual assault and to challenge victim blaming, including online
  • Recognise the impact of drugs and alcohol on choices and sexual behaviour
  • Different motivations and contexts in which sexual images are shared and the consequences
Summer 2


  • Democracy and government
  • Voting systems
  • Why should we vote?

Autumn Knowledge

Spring Knowledge

Summer Knowledge

March 2025


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