"Who we are today is creating who we are going to be tomorrow - let's help our next generation to prepare for tomorrow - TODAY"

At The Herewoode Academy we aim to support, enable and empower students, staff and parents/carers to maximise the full potential of our students.

The Herewoode Academy has been awarded Quality in Careers Standard Award Career Mark Gold in recognition of outstanding and continued commitment to careers education and guidance. We strive to give our students every opportunity. We encourage our students to be ambitious and have high aspirations. Through developing their communication skills, employability skills and self-confidence, we prepare them for the world of work.

Careers education is embedded through our extensive personal development programme, through subject curricula and outside the classroom through student centred activities. This ensures that students have the information they need to progress into further education, training or employment.

All students maintain a ‘Careers Passport’ which records their future aspirations. This is revisited annually and informs discussions with an independent careers’ advisor.

Some of the student-centred activities that happen for each year group:

Year Autumn Spring Summer
7 Careers Passport
Start U-Explore Programme?
Progress Meetings
Careers Week
Progress Meetings
Progress Meetings
8 Careers Passport
Progress Meetings
Careers Week
Progress Meetings
University Visits
Progress Meetings
University Visits
9 Careers Passport
Progress Meetings
Pathways Workshop
Personal Development focussed on careers
GCSE Options Assemblies
IAG 121 with Pathways advisor
Careers Week
Progress Meetings
Subject Taster Sessions
Subject Focus on Careers for Options
IAG 121 with Pathways advisor
University Visits
University experience days
Progress Meetings
IAG 121 with Pathways advisor
University Visits
10 Careers Passport
Progress Meetings
Career Planning
Careers Fair
Employee workshop -Whats My Line
Careers Week
Progress Meetings
Career Planning
University Visits
Career Planning
Progress Meetings
University Visits
11 Applications for Post-16 through Career Planning
Careers Passport
Mock Interviews
Careers Fair
1:1 Meetings with a Connexions advisor
P16 Taster Sessions
Parents Evening re Careers
Pathways Workshop
Progress Meetings
Careers Week
Career Planning
1:1 Meetings with a Connexions advisor
Progress Meetings
1:1 Meetings with a Connexions advisor
Progress Meetings

The impact of our career’s programme is measured by the proportion of students who move on to further educations, training or employment. This data is provided to the school through Connexions and is reviewed annually.

For information please contact our Careers co-ordinator Mrs King at eking@newcollege.leicester.sch.uk or on 0116 231 8500.

Useful Documents

Useful Links

March 2025


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