Student Voice

Active Citizenship: NCL Parliament @NCLSVoice

Voice. Is. Power.

We believe that ‘student participation creates engagement and motivation for learning and has an inherent value beyond benefitting measurable outcomes, where democratic values, engagement and learning for the future are promoted.’ (Bergmark, 2018).

Student Voice is at the heart of all we do at The Herewoode Academy and students sit on several committees, as ambassadors and scholars, finding ways to create meaningful and real changes to their life at school, wider community and real-world issues.

The Student Parliament Leadership team is comprised of an active team of year 11 students who empower other students to be effective in their roles. Students can participate in any of the committees and work hard to ensure student representation and voice is authentic, meaningful and listened to at NCL.

NCL Parliament Current Committees

  • Tutor Ambassadors
  • Social Action Ambassadors
  • Education Ambassadors
  • Communication Ambassadors
  • Environmental Ambassadors
  • Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
  • Arts Ambassadors
  • Sports Leadership Academy

Follow the Student Parliament @NCLSVoice to see our latest work. Want to get involved? Ask any of the year 11 leadership team.

Here are quotes from our students:

“Amazing that I go to a school that has been shortlisted for School of the Year”

“This school has done so much for me in the time I have been here, thank you”!

“I love it here at the academy especially because of the PE and Science facilities”

“It has been easier than I thought starting the academy. I was scared of forgetting homework and remembering lots of things, but it’s actually quite easy”

“I really enjoy all the subjects here at the academy.”

“The Herewoode Academy is like one big family. The staff are like our mum, dads, uncles, aunties, nana and grandad, and the other kids are like our brothers and sisters. I love this school and will miss it when I leave”

“Since starting at the academy five years ago I have become a much more confident person. The teachers only want the best from us”

“The university trip was amazing, I can’t wait until I get to go to university now”

“The parallel election here at school was great because it gave us young people a voice on who we wanted to choose to represent us”

“The election here at school was fun yet serious as we got to have our say. Us young people are the future of the country and should be heard”

March 2025


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