Supporting our EAL students

Students Learning English as an Additional Language

At The Herewoode Academy, we strive to ensure that all students make outstanding progress. We recognise that young people and families who have English as an additional language (EAL) may need additional support to allow them to flourish.


Students at The Herewoode Academy come from diverse backgrounds with a wide range of language skills. We are proud to be part of a multicultural city and believe our academy reflects the society within which we live. We celebrate the cultural diversity of our students. The Herewoode Academy has at present 28% of students who are learning English as an additional language with over 48 different languages spoken within the academy.


To enable the full participation and achievement of students whose first language is not English we will:

  • promote equality of opportunity for all learners for whom English is an additional language
  • create partnerships beyond the school to improve the provision and support for students learning EAL
  • identify support needs as early as possible through assessment
  • provide bespoke responses based on individual needs
  • enable inclusion and participation in the life of the academy
  • facilitate full access to the National Curriculum through high quality teaching
  • build links with parents as partners
  • develop and use links with external agencies and support services
  • monitor provision and the progress made and adjust accordingly
  • acknowledge individual strengths and celebrate cultural identities

March 2025


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