Year 9 Learning

The year 9 curriculum represents the culmination of three years of Key Stage 3. Students will hone their skills ready for the start of Key Stage 4. Students will continue on their journey to become expert writers by crafting their narrative skills to create authentic and detail narrative perspectives. Furthermore, through the study of a class read and whole Shakespeare exploring how prejudices impact upon the fair distribution of punishment, as well as how ideas around Christian doctrine dictated actions in Shakespearean England. Throughout the year, students will study a broad range of texts focusing upon the theme of crime and punishment - exploring the ways in which attitudes and perspectives to both crime and punishment have evolved over time from the Divine punishments in Greek mythology to modern day questions surrounding morality. These are explored through the synoptic texts that are studied throughout the year as supplementary to the core curriculum.

Unit Key Concepts
Autumn 1 Authentic Voices: Creating and effective narrative perspective
  • Texts and content are selected and sequenced for specific meaning.
  • Writers use language and structure to convey meanings
  • Standard English is vital in conveying confidence.
Autumn 2 Prejudice and Society: Animal Farm/ Blood Brothers
  • Writers use language and structure to convey meanings.
  • Texts and content are selected and sequenced for specific meaning.
  • Etymology, morphology and phonology is vital in decoding new material.
Spring 1 and 2 Shakespeare and Society: Othello/ The Merchant of Venice
  • Context informs interpretation
  • Context informs interpretation
  • Writers use language and structure to convey meanings
  • Texts and content are selected and sequenced for specific meaning.
  • Etymology, morphology and phonology is vital in decoding new material.
Summer 1 Media and Society: Gender representation and Human Rights
  • Writers use language and structure to convey meanings
  • Texts and content are selected and sequenced for specific meaning.
  • Etymology, morphology and phonology is vital in decoding new material.
  • Context informs interpretation
Summer 2 Synoptic Unit: Crime and Punishment
  • Writers use language and structure to convey meanings
  • Texts and content are selected and sequenced for specific meaning.
  • Standard English is vital in conveying confidence.

Expert Reader Knowledge

Expert Speaker Knowledge

Expert Writer Knowledge

March 2025


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