Year 8 Learning
Practical PE
In Year 8 students will develop their knowledge, understanding and application of the core and advanced skills in a variety of sports. Students will spend 4 lessons on each activity.
In Year 8 students will have the opportunity to participate in handball, basketball, football, netball, rugby, gymnastics, trampolining, badminton, trampolining, tennis and rounders.
Theory/BTEC Sport
In Year 8 students will have 1 theory lesson a fortnight. Across the year students will learn about nutrition, benefits of exercise and barriers to participation and fitness and training.
Students will also be able to make links between practical and theory lessons such as when learning about sports leadership.
Please see the table below of the KS3 BTEC Sport curriculum (please note dates/terms are approximate):
Term | Topic | Key Content |
Autumn | Nutrition Components of Fitness, Training and Testing |
Spring | Componentd of Fitness Trainng and Testing (continued) Benefits to exercise and barriers to participation |
Summer | Leadership |
Practical Knowledge and Skills (Year 8)
Theory Knowledge (Year 8)