Supporting our SEND students

Staff at The Herewoode Academy acknowledge that some of our students may have specific needs that could affect their progress and/or social and emotional needs. In line with our Health & Wellbeing strategy we aim to support all students. In order for them to achieve their potential. We have a committed team of teachers and Teaching Assistants trained to support students across the academy. In acknowledgement of this we have recently been awarded the SENDIAS award recognising outstanding SEND provision for the second time and also hold the Inclusion Quality Mark as a flagship school.

The Inclusion team is made up of experienced staff who provide a range of support and intervention for students including in class support, small group work and individual one-to-one support where appropriate. We believe in working closely with subject areas, students, parents/carers and external agencies to ensure progress and achievement for all. All parents/carers of students on the SEND register are invited to have a formal review, termly, with a member of the Inclusion Team.

Student Voice is very important to us. We have representatives of students with SEND on our Student Parliament. We are a truly inclusive school. Here's what Holly had to say about NCL:

To ensure students on the SEND register have a smooth and worry free transition from primary to secondary school, we work closely with our feeder primary schools to understand students’ needs and also offer additional transition visits and support if required.

The Director for Inclusion at The Herewoode Academy is Mrs Karen Simpson and the acting SENCo is Miss Dina Mayes. Both can be contacted on 0116 231 8510 or by emailing or

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March 2025


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