Year 11 Learning
Term | Learning Cycle | Key Concepts |
Autumn 1 | Challenges of an urbanising World - Investigating Mumbai |
Autumn 2 | Forests under Thrreat and Consuming Energy Resources | What are the main threats to forests and how does demand for energy affect them.
Spring 1 | Celebrating Knowledge and Skills - Paper 1 | How do physical and human processes affect places?
Spring 2 | Celebrating Knowledge and Skills - Paper 2 | How do human and physical processes shape the Uk landscape?
Summer 1 | Geography Skills | Global geographical issues and UK geographical issues
Summer 2 | Celebrating Knowledge and Skills - Paper 3 | Making sustainable decisions
Autumn Knowledge (Year 11)
Key Skills Paper 3 Challenges of an Urbanising World - Autumn 1 PDF 79 KbKnowledge Organiser Paper 3 Challenges of an Urbanising World - Autumn 1 PDF 3 MbKnowledge Organiser Paper 3 Consuming Energy Resources - Autumn 2 PDF 2 MbKnowledge Organiser Paper 3 Forests Under Threat - Autumn 2 PDF 1 MbPaper 3 Global Geographical Issues - Autumn 2 PDF 243 Kb