Year 10 Learning
Term | Learning Cycle | Key Concepts |
Autumn 1 | UK Physical Geography – Rivers People and the Biosphere | The River Severn - What were the causes, impacts and responses?
Autumn 2 | Dynamic Cities UK – Birmingham vs London | How and why do cities change?
Spring 1 | Development Dynamics - Investigating India | How do countries develop?
Spring 2 | River Peocesses and Pressures - Investigating the River Severn | How do human and physical processes shape UK landscapes?
Summer 1 | Coastal Change and conflict - Fieldwork | What is a cost-benefit coastal management analysis?
Summer 2 | Hazardous Earth - Climatic and Tetonic Hazards | How do human and physical processes lead to disasters?
Autumn Knowledge (Year 10)
Key Skills People and the Biosphere - Autumn 1 PDF 683 KbKey Skills UK Evolving Physical Landscape - Autumn 1 PDF 99 KbKnowledge Organiser Paper 3 People and the Biosphere - Autumn 1 PDF 2 MbKnowledge Organiser People and the biosphere - Autumn 1 PDF 2 MbKnowledge Organiser UK phyiscal landscape - Autumn 1 PDF 1 MbPeople and The Biosphere Topic Checklist - Autumn 1 PDF 64 KbGeography Spine words Student blank - Autumn 2 PDF 79 KbKey Skills UK Evolving Human Landscape - Autumn 2 PDF 114 KbKnowledge Organiser The UKs Evolving Human Landscape - Autumn 2 PDF 2 Mb
Spring Knowledge (Year 10)
Summer Knowledge (Year 10)